/Problem space and stakeholder needs exploration

Problem space and stakeholder needs exploration

3 juni 2022 | Webinar

This webinar is an initiative with the help of the COOCK project 'Orientation and decision-making in smart product exploration'. More information about this project can be found on the project page.

Intelligence and connectivity are becoming essential product properties. Making a product smart and connected opens possibilities but also raises questions: How to be successful? How to reduce risks? How to keep focus? How to to present your solution? What value does it offer? What technology and expertise is needed?

In this second webinar “Problem space and stakeholder needs exploration” we address the question how to explore, understand and validate the needs of the stakeholders of the product to be developed, as well as the problems or opportunities for which the new product needs to offer an answer. The latter is called problem space research. For both questions a systematic approach is taken based on the System Engineering methodology developed by the INCOSE consortium of system engineering that is consolidated in the ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 and ISO/IEC/IEEE 24748-1 standards.

During the session, an overview of typical Stakeholder needs and problem/opportunity exploration and validation activities will be presented, accompanied by typical tools and methods that are used.

For whom?

Companies of all sizes involved in the development or life-cycle management of products that make use of electronics. Anyone that has a role in product development (R&D, business leaders, ..).Does your company aspire to innovate with smart products or are you already in the process of exploring the creation of a smart, connected product? In this second webinar, imec deep dives in the topic of problem space and stakeholder needs exploration.

This webinar is the second of three webinars which will be organized in the first half of 2022.Attending the webinar is free of charge, but your registration is required.


A short introduction to the Smart Product Lifecycle with special attention to Problem space and stakeholder needs exploration activities and tools. It is possible to book a one on one with the project team after the webinar. Contact Thomas.demeester@imec. to book a slot.

Date and location

3rd of June 2022, from 15:00 – 16:00, via Microsoft Teams


Attending the webinar is free. Registration is required.

Introduction to (smart) product exploration

Solution space exploration and validation

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