/Introduction to (smart) product exploration

Introduction to (smart) product exploration

20 mei 2022 | Webinar

This webinar is an initiative of the COOCK project 'Oriënteren en Beslissen in Slimme Product Exploratie' funded by VLAIO. More information about this project can be found on the project page.

Intelligence and connectivity are becoming essential product properties. Making a product smart and connected opens possibilities but also raises questions: How to be successful? How to reduce risks? How to keep focus? How to present your solution? What value does it offer? What technology and expertise are needed?

In this first webinar “Introduction to (smart) product exploration” imec introduces its “Smart Product Maturity Scan” tool to support the exploration of all the above in a structured manner. We will show how this tool can support your company in exploring smart product opportunities and risks, and to assess the in-house capabilities and those of the supply chain.

The tool elaborates on key domains and expertise required for smart product development and life cycle management. The complete tool set that is offered allows to make a status of the organization’s capabilities and the product’s life cycle as well as a periodic assessment throughout the product life cycle of your concept.

For whom?

Companies of all sizes involved in the development or life-cycle management of products that make use of electronics. Anyone that has a role in product development (R&D, business leaders, ..).

This webinar is the first of three webinars which will be organized in the first half of 2022. Attending the webinar is free of charge.


An introduction to the (smart) Product Lifecycle and the typical steps and phases you’ll be undertaking with special attention to  product exploration. Based on that product lifecycle we’ll deep dive into our tools such as the smart product maturity scan.

It is possible to book a one on one with the project team after the webinar. Contact Thomas.demeester@imec. to book a slot.

Date and location

20th of May 2022, from 15:00 – 16:00, via Microsoft Teams


Attending the webinar is free. Registration is required.

Problem space and stakeholder needs exploration

Solution space exploration and validation

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