09 - 10 februari 2022 | Leuven, Belgium – Hybrid edition
Initiating Convergence in Health Technologies
Plenary Session: Data, a Healthtech Bonanza
Imec is part of the plenary session about data. More information below.
09:10 - 10:00 Plenary Session: Data, a Healthtech Bonanza
Moderator: Mr. Willem Dhooge, General Manager at flanders.bio
The speed of innovation in healthtech will go hand-in-hand with the power to aggregate relevant data from multiple sources.
In this session we offer 3 complimentary views, on data as a transformative element in innovative healthcare solutions, along with the challenges of its acquisition and use. Knowledge and understanding from data are obtained through ‘Artificial Intelligence’; the umbrella denomination for computer-based extraction of insights, using concepts of neural networks, akin to human intelligence. It is the best approach available to date for unlocking hidden correlations and enables powerful insights paving the way for new approaches.
Macroscopic, real-life data can inform us about behavior, and how it interacts with phenotype, genotype, and all sorts of omics, to predict likelihoods of health impact. The main challenges are related to obtrusiveness, privacy concerns and motivation to change, and the present state of the art will be elaborated in a first talk.
Nanoscopic analysis, data at the cell level, opens yet other possibilities, with no less challenges such as microfluidics and arrays of sensors and actuators at the tiny scale of life’s basic constituents. Advances in chip technology scaling combined with stem cell technology can be a game changer in combatting many diseases. This space will be explored and illustrated in a second lecture.
Lastly, data and artificial intelligence have become indispensable for our progressing insight in biology. The complex interactions between molecules, nutrients, amino-acids, cells, organs, that constitute life and health, can only be fully grasped with the aid of ‘computational biology’. It operates at the intersection of computer science and biomedical research, with a strong emphasis on the design and application of data mining and machine learning techniques. This will be the topic of our third keynote.
Prof. Dr. Yvan Saeys, Group Leader Data Mining and Modeling for Biomedicine at the Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB)
Prof. Dr. Jef Hooyberghs, Research Manager at the Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO) Mr. Wouter Van den Bosch, Program Manager Public Health at imec
Curious to learn more about the latest cross-over innovations? Then you certainly have to attend our 4th ‘Life-on-Chip Conference - Initiating Convergence in Health Technologies’ organised by Smart Hub Flemish Brabant and flanders.healthTech (through its founding partners flanders.bio, DSP Valley and MedTech Flanders), BioWin, imec, Antleron, VIB and EIT Health.
Micro- and nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, robotics, novel manufacturing technologies and big data are making major impacts across all industries, but perhaps their greatest potential impact is in health and life sciences. Combined with ever-growing biological insights and discoveries, resulting innovations enable fascinating applications that accelerate and transform the healthcare system.
We will present testimonials of roads travelled and lessons learned from pioneering researchers, entrepreneurs and first application movers (confirmed speakers). You can attend a plenary session on data science and health followed by 4 thematic sessions thematically covering the flanders.healthTech focus domains, being increased efficiency in the healthcare system through the introduction of new technologies, solutions for patient specific treatment, digital diagnostics & therapeutics, and shifting the boundaries of knowledge at the forefront of medicine and healthcare.
The Enterprise Europe Network Flanders supports this unique event and organizes a virtual B2B along this conference. The matchmaking is intended for Business-to-Business, as well as for Science-to-Business. The matchmaking event organized by the Enterprise Europe Network is free of charge, but participants that also wish to attend the conference, are invited to pay a conference fee. Virtual booths and posters will also be part of the program.
Imec is part of the plenary session about data. More information above.