Tandem zonnecellen
/Lecture: crystalline silicone solar cell technology - history, roadmap and perspective for the next decade

Lecture: crystalline silicone solar cell technology - history, roadmap and perspective for the next decade

13 september 2023 | UHasselt

Hasselt University invites solar pioneer Dr. Pierre Verlinden to talk about Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell Technology. This lecture is part of a lecture series that is organised within the framework of a Francqui Chair awarded by the faculty of Engineering Technology and research institute imo-imomec. Imo-imomec is a joint research institute of Hasselt University and imec where chemists, physicists and engineers conduct multidisciplinary materials research.

The lecture will be held in English.
Participation is free, but please confirm your attendance by August 25th 2023.

Click here for more information & registration